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Norbert Kruse教授学术报告通知

报告题目:Early Stages in Carbon Nanotube Nucleation and Growth
报告人:Norbert Kruse教授(Université Libre de Bruxelles,Belgium)
主持人:陈军 教授
时间: 9月14日(星期五) 上午10点
地点: 广东省显示材料与技术重点实验室讲学厅




Early Stages in Carbon Nanotube Nucleation and Growth

N. Kruse

Chemical Physics of Materials – Université Libre de Bruxelles – Campus Plaine, CP243, 1050 Brussels - Belgium

Our work aims at understanding the nucleation and growth mechanism of carbon nanotubes in the Chemical Vapor Deposition process. This method is based on the decomposition of a carbon containing gas (e.g. C2H2(g)) on a Ni- or Co-based catalyst. Adequate growth conditions are reproduced in the analysis chamber of a Field Ion Microscope (acetylene atmosphere) containing a sharp Ni tip (R<15nm) as a model catalyst. The Field Electron Emission mode of the microscope can be used as an operando technique to image the solid-gas interaction with nano-scale resolution. In this way, considerable structural changes of a Ni tip have been found to occur. This will be demonstrated in a video movie.
First, Fowler-Nordheim plots at various stages of the ethylene-Ni interaction have been established. A considerable decrease of the work function was detected this way and interpreted as being due to carbide formation and graphene layer deposition. This conclusion is supported by local chemical probing at reversed fields using a one-dimensional time-of-flight atom-probe. In these studies short field pulses of a duration of less than 100 ns were applied during the ongoing reaction. Cx (x=1-4) species were detected this way probing various regions (containing about 200 to 400 atomic sites) of the (001) oriented Ni crystal. Kinetic information was obtained from the time dependence of Cx species. Accordingly, the slowest step in the reaction sequence was associated with the formation of C2 from C1 which needs several milliseconds at 623 K.
Within the scenario of a tip growth mode we were able to image by FEM the rotation of the Ni crystal at elevated temperatures while dosing acetylene. The rotation was discontinuous and occurred in 5 to 7 portions until one turn was completed. The phenomenon will be shown in a video sequence. The rotation probably results from the field force acting on the crystal located at the top of the growing nanotube.


Norbert Kruse
Université Libre de Bruxelles

Home: Avenue Pierre Curie 55
B-1050 Bruxelles
Tel. 0032-2-6441631

Office: Université Libre de Bruxelles
Chimie Physique des Matériaux (Catalyse -Tribologie)
CP 243
Campus Plaine
B-1050 Bruxelles Belgique

1. Personal:
Born November 27, 1950, in Berlin, Germany, unmarried

2. Examinations:
 1976: Diploma in chemistry at the Technical University of Berlin
 1980: doctor's diploma at the Technical University of Berlin after a thesis at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck society in Berlin
 1987: Habilitation in Chemical Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin

3. Professional experience:
 1980-1985: Staff member at the Institute for Chemical Engineering of the Technical University of Berlin, lecturer in Chemical Engineering
 1985-1986: Research staff member at the Fritz Haber Institute
 1986-1988: Lecturer in Physics at the University of Aix-Marseille, France,
 1988-1990: Lecturer in Chemistry in the Institute for Chemical Engineering University of Berlin
 Since 1988: "Wissenschaftlicher Adjunkt" in the laboratory for Technical Chemistry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH
 Since 1990: Lecturer in Chemistry at the ETH
 Since 11/94: Full Professor at the Free University of Brussels, Chair for inorganic chemistry
 Since 2000: Chair for chemical physics of materials

4. Research activities:
 Physics and Chemistry of nano-sized materials and their surfaces with applications in catalysis and tribology.
 Relationships between nanostructure and chemical reactivity.
 In-situ identification of reactive intermediates in catalytic reactions.
 Dynamic imaging of catalytic reactions with nanoscale resolution.
 Kinetic instabilities of chemical surface reactions.
 New routes in catalyst design using concepts of nanotechnology.
 Catalytic reaction engineering.
 Nano-Tribology of materials (tribological activation of solid catalysts, nanoscale friction and elasticity of polymer surfaces).

5. Publications:
~170, and 2 patents

6. Special features
 Editor-in-Chief of the Catalysis Letters and Topics in Catalysis (Springer Publisher).
 President of the International Field Emission Society, elected in 2008.
 Member of the Supervisory Board of BOSAL company.
 Executive chairman of CAPoC4 (forth congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control, Brussels 9-11 April 1997), CAPoC5 (Brussels 12-14 April 2000), CAPoC6 (Brussels, 22-24 October 2003), CAPoC7 (Brussels 30 August – 1 September 2006), CAPoC8 (Brussels 15 – 17 April 2009) and CAPoC9 (Brussels 29 – 30 August 2012)
 President of the Department of Chemistry at the Free University of Brussels (2003-2004).