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2013年9月30日学术报告通知-Dr. Hans W.P. Koops (HaWilKo GmbH, Germany)

报告题目:Giant current density by strongly correlated exciton cluster in nanogranular material
报告人:Dr. Hans W.P. Koops(HaWilKo GmbH, Germany)
主持人:陈军 教授
时间: 9月30日(星期一) 上午10点
地点: 广东省显示材料与技术重点实验室讲学厅




Giant current density, hundred times more intensive than in existing super conductors, has been observed within a cluster of closely packed metal particles of a few nano-meter diameter fabricated by scanning a focused electron beam with supplying metal-containing gas. Physicists have been trying to achieve super-fluid of electron-hole pairs called exciton for four decades, but not successful so far. Here we show that Boson nature of exciton is visible even at room temperature in our materials. Small-sized, closely-packed nano-particles with narrow inter-particle separation achieve high density clusters of excitons having energy higher than thermal energy with their orbits overlapping one another. Electrons transfer through the overlapping orbit by collective hopping and are highly concentrated, resulting in inter-exciton-distance shorter than de Broglie wavelength. Bose-Einstein condensation temperature calculated for the predicted density of small mass excitons is higher than room temperature and the system is mapped onto the super-fluid phase suggested from the Bose-Hubbard model.

Dr. Hans W. P. Koops简历
 28. 1.1942 born at Jena Thüringen,Germany.
 Obtained in 1969 his Diploma in Physics at University Tübingen, and his PhD Dr. rer. nat. 1971 at University Tübingen “Electron beam reducing image projection for 100 nm transmission gratings for soft x-rays” with Prof. G. Möllenstedt.
 1972-1981: Experimental leader of the experiment of the German Research Foundation “Correction of the spherical and chromatically aberration of an TEM objective lens using a multipole corrector“ Institute of Applied Physics University of Technology Darmstadt (Germany), with Professor O. Scherzer.
 1982-1989: Group leader “Electron Beam Projection Lithography” TU Darmstadt.
 1984 Invention of the SCALPEL contrast, scattering contrast for electron beam projection Lithography“, later reinvented by Bell Labs.
 1985-1987: Electron beam induced deposition, a novel high resolution direct write Lithography, developed at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights (USA) and Institute of Applied Physics University Darmstadt (Germany).
 1989-2000: Head of Electron beam Lithography group at the Deutsche Telekom Research Center in Darmstadt (Germany). Subjects: Vacuum Microelectronics and Photonic Crystals as filters for the optical networks.
 2000: The Microstructure technology group of Deutsche Telekom Research forms NaWoTec GmbH as a spin off from Deutsche Telekom AG Research.
 2001-2005: Head of Technology and Chief Scientist of NaWoTec GmbH.
 2003: NaWoTec obtains the German Business Innovation Award for developing an electron beam based photo mask repair tool for the semiconductor technology.
 2005.6 : Director advanced scientific programs of NaWoTec/Carl Zeiss SMT AG.
 Since 2007. 2: Director and Chief Scientist of HaWilKo PSS (Particle sources systems).
 Since 2008. 2: CEO of HaWilKo GmbH Ober- Ramstadt.
 Since 2009: Consultant at Hitachi High Technologies for electron optics, beams systems, aberration measurement and correction in TEM and SEM.
 2000-2005: Chairman of the International Steering Committee ISC of IVNC.
 >110 papers, >58 Patents in the field of optics, electron optics, THz sources and lithography.