2013年12月06日学术报告--Manipulation and dynamics of ......
题目:Manipulation and dynamics of Ag nano-clusters on Si(111)-(7×7) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy报告人:明方飞
主持人:钟定永 教授
摘要:Metal nanoclusters with less than 1000 atoms differ very much from their bulk counterparts. They possess many unique chemical and physical properties and have attracted extensive studies during the past two decades. However, in-depth and comprehensive researches of these structures are difficult for their small sizes. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is a versatile technique to study the nano-structures. Its extreme powerful spatial resolution as well as its atomic manipulation capability enabled us to obtain the detailed information of those metal nano-clusters on surfaces. In this talk, I report our recent studies on the noble metal (mainly Ag) clusters on the reconstructed Si(111)-(7×7) surface. We developed a vertical manipulation technique to assemble and disassemble Ag/Au clusters on Si(111)-(7×7). By employing this powerful technique, we further study the dynamical behaviors of those metal clusters with single atom precision. The precisely controlled measurements of the cluster dynamics reveal the magic numbers of the clusters and the interactions with environments.
报告人介绍:2007年本科毕业于西北大学(西安)物理系。2012年在香港中文大学获得博士学位(导师:肖旭东教授)。毕业后至今继续在香港中文大学做博士后。研究领域主要为以扫描探针显微镜为手段的原子精度的表面科学方面的研究。主要研究对象为表面上的金属纳米颗粒以及低维度纳米材料。在《Journal of Physical Chemistry C》, 《ACS Nano》, 《Physical Review B》等国际杂志上发表约10篇论文。