2014年6月9日学术报告--Some topics in Quantum Games
题目:Some topics in Quantum Games
报告人:Yshai Avishai 教授 (以色列Ben-Gurion University物理系)
主持人:梁世东 教授
时间:2014年6月9日(星期一)上午 10:30-11:30
报告摘要:In a strategic classical game, there are N players and each player should take a decision (equivalently choose a strategy) out of n available strategies. His benefit (or payoff) is a real number that depends on his own strategy as well as on all the other one’s strategies. Players are assumed to be rational and non-cooperative. A player takes his decision based on his knowledge or expectations of other player’s behavior. Simple examples are prisoner’s dilemma or rock-paper-scissors . More sophisticated examples include buying or selling stocks, bidding in auctions, playing cards, as well as numerous aspects of Economics and Political Competition. It is convenient to describe the classical Game using the nomenclature of classical information theory. For example, taking a decision between Yes or No is like applying a classical gate on a bit. This structure leads to a natural quantum extension, where instead of bits and classical gates we speak of qubits and quantum gates (that is, unitary transformations). The theory of quantum games is an evolving discipline that, similar to quantum information, explores the implications of quantum mechanics in fields outside physics proper, such as Economics, Finance, Gambling and others. One way of constructing a quantum game is to start from a classical game and to “quantize” it by formulating appropriate rules and letting the players employ quantum tools such as qubits and quantum strategies (gates). In this talk I will explain how such quantum games are constructed, what are the rules of these games, and discuss the main differences between classical and quantum games.