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2014年10月9日学术报告Applications of Electron Microscopy in Structural Materials

 报告人:廖奕峰博士 (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, USA)
题目:Applications of Electron Microscopy in Structural Materials
主持人:佘峻聪 教授

摘要:Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) have experienced rapid development in different paradigms with unprecedented abilities such as electron crystallography, spectroscopy at the atomic scale, and dynamical/environmental tests. In this presentation, I will discuss electron microscopy studies on structural materials for high-temperature and tribology applications, with a focus on in-situ TEM techniques. Two examples will be addressed: (1) The anomalous yield behavior of intermetallics; (2) tribological behavior of CoCrMo alloys for metal-on-metal hip replacement. While modern (S)TEM provides details at the sub-atomic level, it has many limitations. For instance, TEM is known to induce substantial irradiation damage particularly for soft materials such as polymers and biological specimens. Compared to X-ray crystallography, electron crystallography is still in its infancy due to severe dynamical effects which make structural analysis extremely difficult, if not impossible. Accurate phase identification and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) measurement using precession electron beam, and possible solutions to reduce irradiation damage and dynamical effects will be discussed.
廖奕峰博士。2004年硕士毕业于中山大学理工学院,2009年获美国Dartmouth College博士学位。目前为美国西北大学Research Assistant Professor,主要从事材料科学和透射电子显微学的交叉学科研究。廖博士在交叉领域内(透射电镜、纳米摩擦、金属材料)做出有影响力的原创性成果,相关工作以第一作者在Science等国际高影响刊物上发表。