

Olivier. Bonnaud教授

The global development of digital technology has invaded our 21st century world, and applies equally to industry, finance and governments. This field has been growing exponentially since 2005, and is accelerating with the arrival of crypto-currencies, 5G-6G, and above all artificial intelligence (AI). Transparency on the user side of this digital world overshadows the fact that the associated energy consumption is also growing exponentially. In fact, we're in danger of reaching a global energy impasse in the next decade, with digital power consumption exceeding current global electricity production. The digital world is physically dependent on electronics and microelectronics, the latter constituting the associated hardware. Today's challenge is to reduce the power consumption of all electronics. The role of thin film technologies involving new material should answer partially to the needs. After presenting the background and challenges, the various proposals for improving electronics, both technologically and architecturally, which involve new thin-film devices and circuits are treated. All the improvements can only be achieved if the sector's future employees are capable of innovation. This challenge is coupled with those of a technical nature. Indeed, on a global scale, the electronics profession is experiencing a growing skills deficit, corresponding to a severe shortage of jobs. There is an urgent need to train new specialists in the field. The final section of the presentation is devoted to this challenge and to actions conducted by the French national network for higher eduction in microelectronics.