
联系方式:[email protected]
刘正勇,中山大学“百人计划”副教授,博士生导师,广东省高层次人才(青年拔尖)。研究方向为光纤传感技术、感知信息AI智能分析、海洋信息感知及生物医学传感,注重解决实际应用需求,从器件、系统及工程应用等多方面开展研究。近五年在上述领域已发表学术论文超过100篇,其中以第一或通信作者发表SCI/EI论文50余篇,包括Optics Letters, Optics Express, Photonics Research, Journal of Lightwave Technology, OFC, OFS等国际知名学术期刊及会议,同时受邀撰写2篇Invited Paper, 2部英文专著的章节,引用率1700余次,H-index 26;研究成果获得美国光学学会OSA亮点报道,在OSA新闻网站赌博软件报道,并获多家媒体转载,包括OPN, Laser Focus World, Science Daily等。
- MDPI Sensors (SCI, IF:3.031), Topic Editor
- ITU/WMO/UNESCO-IOC Joint Task Force“SMART Cables”, 专家组成员
- Opt. Letters, Opt. Express, IEEE/OSA J. Light. Technol., Appl. Opt.等知名期刊审稿人
- 第26届Optoelectronics and Communications Conference(OECC)分会TPC Co-chair
2018-2019,香港理工大学,电机工程学系,高级研究员(Senior Research Fellow)
2015-2017,香港理工大学,电机工程学系,博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Fellow)
2011-2015,香港理工大学,电机工程学系,光电信息,博士,导师:Prof. Hwa-Yaw Tam
- 光波导与光纤(本科)
- 光纤传感与测量(本科)
- 电路理论基础实验(本科)
- 通信感知一体化技术
- 机器学习分析及信号处理
- 特种光纤/器件设计及制备
- 医学传感应用
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,新型特种光纤海洋离子传感技术及系统应用研究,2023-2026,主持。
- 广东省高层次人才(青年拔尖),2022-2025,主持。
- 国家自然科学基金委-广东省联合基金集成项目,基于光纤新模态的海洋信息感知与大容量安全通信融合技术研究,2021-2024,课题负责人。
- 科技部重点研发项目课题,粤港澳大湾区超级光网络,2021-2023,子课题负责人。
- 广州市基础与应用基础研究项目,面向海浪高度监测的新型光纤压力传感器研究,2021-2023,主持。
- 国家自然科学青年基金,基于新型边孔微结构光纤的加速度传感器及应用研究,2020-2022,主持。
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,面向微创手术的新型光纤传感器及应用研究,2020-2023,参与(中大任务负责人)。
- 科技部重点研发项目,基于光纤新模态的超大容量新型光纤信息传输处理基础理论及应用研究,2019-2024,参与。
- 中山大学“百人计划”引进人才启动项目,主持。
- 香港UGC-GRF项目,Smart Cochlear Implants Integrated with Optical Fibre Sensors,2020-2022,参与
- 国家轨道交通电气化与自动化工程技术研究中心香港分中心研究项目,Novel Optical fiber for the development of optical fiber accelerometer with performance suitable for high-speed railway applications,2015-2018,参与
- 香港RGC-GRF 项目,Novel Laser-heated Fiber-optic Gas and Liquid Flow Sensors,2014-2016,参与
- Zhengyong Liu*, Hwa-Yaw Tam, "Photonic crystal fiber pressure sensors", Chapter 11 in the book of "Computational Photonic Sensors", edited by Mohamed Hameed and Salah Obayya, published by Springer Publisher, Print ISBN 978-3-319-76555-6, Jun. 14, 2018.
- Zhengyong Liu*, Hwa-Yaw Tam, "Fabrication and sensing applications of special microstructured optical fibers", Chapter 1 in the book of "Selected Topics on Optical Fiber Technologies and Applications", edited by Fei Xu, published by Intech, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3813-6, Feb. 14, 2018.
- Yongchang Mei, Titi Xia, Haoen Cai and Zhengyong Liu*, "Deep Learning Improved Spectral Demodulation of Interferometry Vernier Effect for Pressure Sensing", Journal of Lightwave Technology,Early Access, 2023. (Accepted)
- Titi Xia, Ziqi Liu, Yongchang Mei, and Zhengyong Liu*, "Two-Dimensional Tactile Force Sensor Based on Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating Assisted by Convolutional Neural Network", Sensors Journal, Early Access, 2023. (Accepted)
- Yingyu Chen, Yongguang Xiao, Shaoyi Chen, Fengmao Xie, Zhengyong Liu*, Dawei Wang, Xingwen Yi, Chao Lu, and Zhaohui Li, "Field Trials of Communication and Sensing System in Space Division Multiplexing Optical Fiber Cable", IEEE Communications Magazine, 61(8): 182-188, 2023. (IF:11.2)
- Zhenquan Zhao, Faisal Nadeem Khan, Zeyad A. H. Qasem, Bohua Deng, Qian Li, Zhengyong Liu, and H. Y. Fu, "Convolutional-neural-network-based versus vision-transformer-based SNR estimation for visible light communication networks", Optics Letters, 48(6): 1419-1422, 2023.
- Dinusha Serandi Gunawardena, Jingxian Cui, Xin Cheng, Arvind N. Vadivelu, Alireza, Mohammadi, Geraldi Edbert, Zhengyong Liu, Bernard Chen, Denny Oetomo, Stephen O'Leary, Hwa-Yaw Tam, "Polymeric Fiber Sensors for Insertion Forces and Trajectory Determination of Cochlear Implants in Hearing Preservation", Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 222: 114866, 2023.
- Yongchang Mei, Shengqi Zhang, Zihan Cao, Titi Xia, Xingwen Yi, Zhengyong Liu*, "Deep Learning Assisted Pressure Sensing Based on Sagnac Interferometry Realized by Side-hole Fiber", Journal of Lightwave Technology, 41(2): 784-793, 2023. (IF:12.6)
- Zihan Cao, Titi Xia, Shengqi Zhang, Shuhe Zhang, Yongchang Mei, Zhengyong Liu*, Tuan Guo, Zhaohui Li*, "Improved Spectral Interrogation of Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating Refractometer Using Residual Convolutional Neural Networks", Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(22), 7403-7411, 2022..
- Zhengyong Liu*, Shengqi Zhang, Chengkun Yang, Weng-Hong Chung and Zhaohui Li, "Submarine Optical Fiber Sensing System for the Real-Time Monitoring of Depth, Vibration, and Temperature", Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 9, pp. 922669, (2022).
- Haiming Qiu, Junfang Jiang, Lili Yao, Zhengping Dai, Zhengyong Liu, Hang Qu, and Xuehao Hu, "Ultrasensitive cascaded in-line Fabry-Perot refractometers based on a C-shaped fiber and the Vernier effect", Optics Express, 30(15), 27704-27714, 2022.
- Shengqi Zhang, Yongchang Mei, Titi Xia, Zihan Cao, Zhengyong Liu*, and Zhaohui Li*, "Simultaneous Measurement of Temperature and Pressure Based on Fabry-Perot Interferometry for Marine Monitoring", Sensors, 22(13), 4979, 2022.
- Zhengyong Liu, Htein Lin, Yi Liu, Weng-Hong Chung, Hwa-Yaw Tam*, "Special Microstructured Optical Fiber Based Vibration Sensor and Its Application in Railway Monitoring", Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 58(8), 63-70, 2022.
- Yuanfang Zhao, M. S. Aruna Gandhi, Maolin Dai, Mingyue Guan, Yuan Zhang, Qian Li, Zhengyong Liu, and H. Y. Fu, "Silicone Rubber Coated Non-Adiabatic Tapered Fiber Combined With Online Vernier Interferometer for Temperature Detection", IEEE Sensors Journal, 22(9), 8530-8536, 2022
- Zihan Cao, Shengqi Zhang, Titi Xia, Zhengyong Liu* and Zhaohui Li, "Spectral Demodulation of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(13), 4429-4435, 2022.
- Shengqi Zhang, Zihan Cao, Titi Xia, Chengkun Yang, Zhengyong Liu* and Zhaohui Li, "Lateral Force Sensing Based on Sagnac Interferometry Realized by a High-Birefringence Suspended-Core Fiber", Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(12), 3935-3941, 2022.
- Yichang Wu, Zihan Cao, Shengqi Zhang, Zhengyong Liu*, Chengkun Yang, Zhaohui Li*, "Dynamic Range Enlargement of Distributed Acoustic Sensing Based on Temporal Differential and Weighted-gauge Approach",Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(9), 3038-3045, 2022.
- Yujian Li, Zhengyong Liu, Yifan Liu, Changyuan Yu, "Simultaneous measurement of axial strain and lateral stress based on cascaded interference structure", Optics Express, 30(7), 10942-10952, 2022.
- Pingping Wang, Shengqi Zhang, Zhengyong Liu*, Yuxin Huang, Jie Huang, Xuemei Huang, Jie Chen, Bimei Fang, Dongxian Peng*, "Smart laparoscopic grasper integrated with FBG tactile sensor for real-time force feedback", Journal of Biophotonics, e202100331, 1-11, 2022.
- Yuanfang Zhao, Manthangal Sivanesan Aruna Gandhi, Qian Li, Zhengyong Liu, H. Y. Fu, "Vernier effect assisted sucrose sensor based on a cascaded Sagnac interferometer with no-core fiber", Biomedical Optics Express, 12(12), 7338-7347, 2021.
- Chengkun Yang, Shengqi Zhang, Donglei Shi, Yichang Wu, Zihan Cao, Zhengyong Liu*, "Simultaneous measurement of salinity and temperature using a Sagnac interferometer based on concatenated polarization-maintaining fiber tapers", Applied Optics, 60(28), 8904-8909, 2021.
- Rui Min, Zhengyong Liu*, Luis Pereira, Chenkun Yang, Qi Sui, Carlos Marques, "Optical fiber sensing for marine environment and marine structural health monitoring: A review", Optics and Laser Technology, 140, 107082, 2021.
- Bin Zhou, Yilong Zeng, Barerem-Melgueba Mao, Dinusha Serandi Gunawardena*, Zhengyong Liu*, Yuk Ting Ho, Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Excellent Thermal Stability of Optical Fiber Grating Inscribed on Thermosetting Silicone, J. Light. Technol. 39(5), 1483-1488, 2021.
- Jingshun Pan, Bin Zhang, Zhengyong Liu, Jiaxin Zhao, Yuanhua Feng, Lei Wan, and Zhaohui Li, “Microbubble resonators combined with a digital optical frequency comb for high-precision air-coupled ultrasound detectors”, Photonics Research, 8(3), 303, 2020.
- Jingxian Cui, Dinusha Serandi Gunawardena*, Zhengyong Liu*, Zhiyong Zhao and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “All-fiber two-dimensional inclinometer based on Bragg gratings inscribed in a seven-core multi-core fiber”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38(8), 2516-2522, 2020.
- Dinusha Serandi Gunawardena*, On Kit Law, Zhengyong Liu*, Xiaoxuan Zhong, Yuk-Ting Ho, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Resurgent regenerated fiber Bragg gratings and thermal annealing techniques for ultra-high temperature sensing beyond 1400°C”, Optics Express, 28(7), 10595-10608, 2020.
- Anand Shrivastav, Dinusha Gunawardena*, Zhengyong Liu*, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Microstructured optical fiber based Fabry–Pérot interferometer as a humidity sensor utilizing chitosan polymeric matrix for breath monitoring”, Scientific Reports, 10, 6002, 2020.
- Zhuo Wang, Jiajing Tu, Zhengyong Liu, Changyuan Yu, and Chao Lu, “Design of Weakly Coupled Two-Mode Hollow-Core Antiresonant Fiber With Low Loss”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 864-874, (2020).
- Lin Htein, Dinusha Serandi Gunawardena, Zhengyong Liu, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Two semicircular-hole fiber in a Sagnac loop for simultaneous discrimination of torsion, strain and temperature”, Opt. Express, 28(23), pp. 33841-33853, 2020.
- Yu Wang, Yan Zhou, Zhengyong Liu, Daru Chen, Chao Lu, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Sensitive Mach–Zehnder interferometric sensor based on a grapefruit microstructured fiber by lateral offset splicing”, Opt. Express, 28(18), pp. 26564-26571, 2020.
- Yilong Zeng, Dinusha Serandi Gunawardena, Bin Zhou*, Zhengyong Liu, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “All-optical fiber filter based on an FBG inscribed in a silica/silicone composite fiber”, Opt. Lett. 45(17), pp. 4831-4834, 2020
- Ali Najafzadeh*, Dinusha Serandi Gunawardena*, Zhengyong Liu, Ton Tran, Hwa-Yaw Tam, Jing Fu and Bernard K. Chen, “Application of Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors in Strain Monitoring and Fracture Recovery of Human Femur Bone”, Bioengineering, 7, 98, 2020.
- Jiajing Tu, Shecheng Gao, Zhuo Wang, Zhengyong Liu, Wei Li, Cheng Du, Weiping Liu, Zhaohui Li, Changyuan Yu, Hwayaw Tam, and Chao Lu, “Bend-Insensitive Grapefruit-Type Holey Ring-Core Fiber for Weakly-Coupled OAM Mode Division Multiplexing Transmission”, J. Light. Technol., 38(16), 4497-4503, 2020.
- F. Tan, W. Lyu, S. Chen, Z. Liu, and C. Yu, "Contactless vital signs monitoring based on few-mode and multi-core fibers," Opto-Electronic Adv. 3, 190034–190034 (2020).
- Fengze Tan, Shuyang Chen, Weimin Lyu, Zhengyong Liu*, Changyuan Yu*, Chao Lu, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Non-invasive human vital signs monitoring based on twin-core optical fiber sensors”, Biomedical Optics Express, 10(11), 5940-5951, 2019.
- Zhengyong Liu*, Lin Htein, Weng-Hong Chung, Dinusha Gunawardena, Chao Lu, Kang-Kuen Lee and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Novel accelerometer realized by a polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber for railway monitoring a pplications”, Optics Express, vol. 27, no. 15, pp. 21597-21607, 2019. (获OSA, OPN, Science Daily, Laser Focus World等新闻亮点报道)
- Jiajing Tu, Zhengyong Liu*, Shecheng Gao, Zhuo Wang, Jianbo Zhang, Bin Zhang, Jianping Li, Weiping Liu, Hwa-Yaw Tam, Zhaohui Li, Changyuan Yu*, Chao Lu, "Ring-core fiber with negative curvature structure supporting orbital angular momentum modes", Optics Express, 27(15), pp. 20358-20372, 2019.
- Jingxian Cui, Zhengyong Liu*, Dinusha Serandi Gunawardena, Zhiyong Zhao, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, "Two-dimensional vector accelerometer based on Bragg gratings inscribed in a multi-core fiber", Optics Express, 27(15), pp. 20848-20856, 2019.
- Jitendra Narayan Dash, Zhengyong Liu*, Dinusha Serandi Gunawardena and Hwa-Yaw Tam, "Fabry-Perot cavity based contact force sensor with high precision and broad operational range", Optics Letters, 44(14), pp. 3546-3549, 2019.
- Zhengyong Liu*, Zhi Feng Zhang, Hwa-Yaw Tam and Xiaoming Tao*, "Multifunctional Smart Optical Fibers: Materials, Fabrication, and Sensing Applications", Photonics, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 48, 2019.
- Lin Htein, Zhengyong Liu*, Dinusha Gunawardena, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, "Single-ring suspended fiber for Bragg grating based hydrostatic pressure sensing", Optics Express, 27(7), pp. 9655-9664, 2019. (获Advances In Engineering新闻报道).
- Fengze Tan, Zhengyong Liu*, Jiajing Tu, Changyuan Yu*, Chao Lu, and Hwa-yaw Tam, “Torsion sensor based on inter-core mode coupling in seven-core fiber”, Optics Express, 26(16), 19835-19844, (2018).
- Liyang Shao, Zhengyong Liu*, Jie Hu, Dinusha Gunawardena, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Optofluidics in Microstructured Optical Fibers”, Micromachines, 9(4), 145, (2018).
- Zhengyong Liu, Lin Htein, Kang-Kuen Lee, Kin-Tak Lau and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Large dynamic range pressure sensor based on Two Semicircle-Holes Microstructured Fiber”, Scientific Reports, vol. 8, no.1, pp. 65, (2018).
- (Invited Paper) Zhengyong Liu, Hwa-Yaw Tam, Lin Htein, Ming-Leung Vincent Tse, Chao Lu, “Microstructured Optical Fiber Sensors”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 35, no. 16, pp. 3425-3439, (2017).
- Zhengyong Liu, Lin Htein, Lun-Kai Cheng, Quincy Martina, Rob Jansen, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Highly sensitive miniature fluidic flowmeter based on an FBG heated by Co2+-doped fiber”, Optics Express, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 4393-4402, (2017).
- (Invited Paper) Zhengyong Liu, Hwa-Yaw Tam, "Industrial and medical applications of fiber Bragg gratings," Chinese Optics Letters, 14(12), pp. 120007- (2016). (50th Anniversary of the Invention of Optical Fiber Communications特刊)
- Zhengyong Liu, Chuang Wu, Ming Leung Vincent Tse, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Fabrication, Characterization, and Sensing Applications of a High-Birefringence Suspended-Core Fiber,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 2113–2122, (2014).
- Zhengyong Liu, Ming-Leung Vincent Tse, A. Ping Zhang, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Integrated microfluidic flowmeter based on a micro-FBG inscribed in Co2+-doped optical fiber”, Optics Letters, vol. 39, no. 20, pp. 5877-5880, (2014).
- Zhengyong Liu, Chuang Wu, Ming Leung Vincent Tse, Chao Lu, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Ultrahigh birefringence index-guiding photonic crystal fiber and its application for pressure and temperature discrimination,” Optics Letters, vol. 38, no. 9, p. 1385-1387, Aug. (2013).
- Zhengyong Liu, Ming Leung Vincent Tse, Chuang Wu, Daru Chen, Chao Lu, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Intermodal coupling of supermodes in a twin-core photonic crystal fiber and its application as a pressure sensor,” Optics Express, vol. 20, no. 19, pp. 21749–21757, (2012).
邀请报告及国际会议论文 (Selected):
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*, "Deep learning assisted demodulation of optical fiber sensors for marine information monitoring", Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC), Shenzhen, Sep. 05-08, 2023.
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*, "Deep learning assisted spectral demodulation of optical fiber sensors for marine information monitoring", 21st ICOCN, Jul. 31-Aug. 03, 2023.
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*, "基于光纤传感技术的海洋信息感知", 第一届“空间、大气、海洋与环境科学(SAME)”大会,上海,4月7-9日,2023.
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*, “Multi-parameter optical fiber sensing system and its application in marine information monitoring”, POEM 2022, Wuhan, 18-20 December, 2022.
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*, “Multi-parameter optical fiber sensing system and its application in marine information monitoring”, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference(ACP), Shenzhen, 5-8 November, 2022.
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*,“多参量光纤传感技术及其海洋信息感知应用”,中国光纤传感大会,桂林,8月16-18日,2022.
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*, “Spectral demodulation of fiber grating based sensors realized by deep learning methods", 20th ICOCN, Shenzhen, Aug. 12-15, 2022.
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*, “Specialty optical fiber sensors for marine information monitoring”, 2021 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Sensors and Applications (OIT 2021), Chengdu, Apr. 8-10, 2022.
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*,“Optical fiber sensing technology for marine information monitoring", 19th ICOCN, Qufu, Aug. 23-27, 2021.
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*,“新型光纤及传感技术应用", 华为万物光互联——光接入网技术论坛,东莞松山湖,7月,2021.
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*,“特殊光纤传感技术的工程化应用“,2020 中国光纤传感论坛,武汉,11月,2020.
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*, "Specialty optical fiber Bragg gratings for medical sensing applications", POEM 2019, Wuhan, Nov. 11-14, 2019.
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*, "Industrial and biomedical sensing applications of microstructured optical fibers", OFS-China, Wuhan, April 23-25, 2019.
- (Invited talk) Zhengyong Liu*, "Industrial and biomedical applications of specialty optical fibers", 17th ICOCN, Zhuhai, Nov. 16-19, 2018.
- 刘正勇,夏锑锑,刘紫琦,梅永昌,"啁啾光纤光栅压力传感器及其压力测试系统"
- 刘正勇,曹子晗,张圣琪,夏锑锑,李朝晖,“一种光纤光栅光谱分析方法、系统、存储介质”
- 刘正勇,王欣,王大伟,李朝晖,“一种环芯全固微结构光纤及其制备方法”(已授权)
- 刘正勇,谭旨敬,钟永康, “基于SAGNAC干涉仪的光纤加速度计及振动检测装置”, (已授权)
- 刘正勇, 谭旨敬,钟永康, “光纤触觉传感器及传感阵列”(已授权)
- 涂佳静,刘正勇,高社成, 刘伟平, 李朝晖,“一种支持多个轨道角动量模式的反谐振环形光纤”,(已授权)
- Zhengyong Liu et al, “Medical Device and System and Method for Guiding Positioning of Same”,PCT Patent(已授权)