中山大学电子与信息工程学院副教授、博士生导师,广东省显示材料重点实验室成员。长期从事非厄米光子学 (Non-Hermitian Optics) 应用研究,聚焦纳米尺度下的光场调控、光电调制、光电探测等问题。主持国家自然科学基金、科技部重点研发(青年)等项目。
联系方式:[email protected]
2006年9月——2010年6月 中国科学技术大学 应用物理学 学士
2010年8月——2014年7月 香港中文大学 物理学 博士
2014年8月——2017年11月 香港中文大学 物理系 博士后研究员
1. 光纳米生物传感芯片(超构表面)
2. 下一代中远红外及太赫兹技术
3. 基于机器学习的光场调控
4. 新型二维光电探测、调制器件
国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,2023年5月 - 2028年4月,主持。
国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020年1月 - 2022年12月,主持。
广州市基础与应用基础基金,2021年4月 - 2023年3月,主持。
国家自然科学基金重点项目,2020年1月 - 2023年12月,学术骨干。
中山大学引进人才启动经费,2018年5月 - 2020年5月,主持。
- X. Zhang, J. Zheng, J. Ma, Y. Song, X. Zhang, Q. Liu, L. Wang, P. Xiao, Y. Li, Z. Wang, W. Xiao, J. Duan, Z.L. Cao* and Q.S. Wang*, "Anisotropic photocurrent response at MnBi2Te4-metal interface," 2D Mater. 10, 045011 (2023).
- Z.L. Cao, J.Y. Li, S.Z. Deng, and H.J. Chen, "Rigorous Modal Analysis of Chiral Nanoparticles," Adv. Opt. Mater., 2300599 (2023). (封面文章)
- Z.L. Cao, J.F. Chen, S.Z. Deng, and H.J Chen, "A physical interpretation of coupling chiral metaatoms." Nanoscale 14, 3849 (2022).
- H. Zhu, X. Wang, Z.L. Cao*, H. Chen, and S. Deng, "A Universal Approach for Maximizing Terahertz Wave Absorption in Graphene Cut-Wires," Frontiers in Materials 8, 333 (2021).
- H. Yu#, H. Zhu#, J. Li, Z.L. Cao*, and H. Chen, "Broadband Active Control of Transverse Scattering from All-Dielectric Nanoparticle," Crystals 11, 920 (2021).
- Q. Yao, Y.-Q. Bie*, J. Chen, J. Li, F. Li, and Z.L. Cao*, "Anapole enhanced on-chip routing of spin–valley photons in 2D materials for silicon integrated optical communication," Opt. Lett. 46, 4080 (2021).
- Z.L. Cao#, H. Gao#, M. Qiu, W. Jin, S. Z. Deng, K.Y. Wong, D. Y. Lei, “Chirality Transfer from Sub‐Nanometer Biochemical Molecules to Sub‐Micrometer Plasmonic Metastructures: Physiochemical Mechanisms, Biosensing, and Bioimaging Opportunities.” Adv. Mater. 1907151 (2020)
- S.D. Liu, J. Y. Liu, Z.L. Cao, J.L. Fan, D.Y. Lei. “Dynamic tuning of enhanced intrinsic circular dichroism in plasmonic stereo-metamolecule array with surface lattice resonance”, Nanophotonics(0): 20200130 (2020).
- Z.L. Cao, M. Lin and H.C. Ong, “Determination of the excitation and coupling rates between light emitters and surface plasmon polaritons”, J. Vis. Exp. 137, e56735 (2018).
- Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Study of the momentum-resolved plasmonic field energy of Bloch-like surface plasmon polaritons from periodic nanohole array”, Opt. Express 25(24), 30626 (2017).
- Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Determination of complex Hermitian and anti-Hermitian interaction constants from a coupled photonic system via coherent control”, Opt. Express 25(24), 30611 (2017).
- Z.L. Cao, L.Y. Yiu, Z.Q. Zhang, C.T. Chan, H.C. Ong, “Understanding the role of surface plasmon polaritons in two-dimensional achiral nanohole arrays for polarization conversion”, Phys. Rev. B 95, 155415 (2017).
- M. Lin, Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Determination of the excitation rate of quantum dots mediated by momentum-resolved Bloch-like surface plasmon polaritons”, Opt. Express 25(6), 6092 (2017).
- Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Momentum-dependent group velocity of surface plasmon polaritons in two-dimensional metallic nanohole array”, Opt. Express 24(12), 12489 (2016).
- Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Determination of the absorption and radiative decay rates of dark and bright plasmonic modes”, Opt. Express 22(13), 16112 (2014).
- Z.L. Cao, S.L. Wong, S.Y. Wu, H.P. Ho, and H.C. Ong, “High performing phase-based surface plasmon resonance sensing from metallic nanohole arrays”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 171116 (2014).
- Z.L. Cao, L. Zhang, C.Y. Chan, and H.C. Ong, “Interplay between absorption and radiative decay rates of surface plasmon polaritons for field enhancement in periodic arrays”, Opt. Lett. 39, 501 (2014).
- Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Determination of coupling rate of light emitter to surface plasmon polaritons supported on nanohole array”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 241109 (2013).
- C.Y. Chan, Z.L. Cao, and H.C. Ong, “Study of coupling efficiency of molecules to surface plasmon polaritons in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)”, Opt. Express 21(12), 14674 (2013).
- Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Direct imaging of radiative decay of surface plasmon polaritons in nanohole arrays by cross-polarization microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 093108 (2013).
- Z.L. Cao, H.Y. Lo, and H.C. Ong, “Determination of absorption and radiative decay rates of surface plasmon polaritons from nanohole array”, Opt. Lett. 37, 5166 (2012).