
中山大学电子与信息工程学院副教授、博士生导师,广东省显示材料重点实验室成员。长期从事非厄米光子学 (Non-Hermitian Optics) 应用研究,聚焦纳米尺度下的光场调控、光电调制、光电探测等问题。主持国家自然科学基金、科技部重点研发(青年)等项目。

联系方式:[email protected]


2006年9月——2010年6月      中国科学技术大学    应用物理学    学士

2010年8月——2014年7月      香港中文大学           物理学           博士

2014年8月——2017年11月    香港中文大学           物理系           博士后研究员







1. 光纳米生物传感芯片(超构表面)

2. 下一代中远红外及太赫兹技术

3. 基于机器学习的光场调控

4. 新型二维光电探测、调制器件



国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,2023年5月 - 2028年4月,主持。

国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020年1月 - 2022年12月,主持。

广州市基础与应用基础基金,2021年4月 - 2023年3月,主持。

国家自然科学基金重点项目,2020年1月 - 2023年12月,学术骨干。

中山大学引进人才启动经费,2018年5月 - 2020年5月,主持。


  1. X. Zhang, J. Zheng, J. Ma, Y. Song, X. Zhang, Q. Liu, L. Wang, P. Xiao, Y. Li, Z. Wang, W. Xiao, J. Duan, Z.L. Cao* and Q.S. Wang*, "Anisotropic photocurrent response at MnBi2Te4-metal interface," 2D Mater. 10, 045011 (2023).
  2. Z.L. Cao, J.Y. Li, S.Z. Deng, and H.J. Chen, "Rigorous Modal Analysis of Chiral Nanoparticles," Adv. Opt. Mater., 2300599 (2023). (封面文章
  3. Z.L. Cao, J.F. Chen, S.Z. Deng, and H.J Chen, "A physical interpretation of coupling chiral metaatoms." Nanoscale 14, 3849 (2022).
  4. H. Zhu, X. Wang, Z.L. Cao*, H. Chen, and S. Deng, "A Universal Approach for Maximizing Terahertz Wave Absorption in Graphene Cut-Wires," Frontiers in Materials 8, 333 (2021).
  5. H. Yu#, H. Zhu#, J. Li, Z.L. Cao*, and H. Chen, "Broadband Active Control of Transverse Scattering from All-Dielectric Nanoparticle," Crystals 11, 920 (2021).
  6. Q. Yao, Y.-Q. Bie*, J. Chen, J. Li, F. Li, and Z.L. Cao*, "Anapole enhanced on-chip routing of spin–valley photons in 2D materials for silicon integrated optical communication," Opt. Lett. 46, 4080 (2021).
  7. Z.L. Cao#, H. Gao#, M. Qiu, W. Jin, S. Z. Deng, K.Y. Wong, D. Y. Lei, “Chirality Transfer from Sub‐Nanometer Biochemical Molecules to Sub‐Micrometer Plasmonic Metastructures: Physiochemical Mechanisms, Biosensing, and Bioimaging Opportunities.” Adv. Mater. 1907151 (2020)
  8. S.D. Liu, J. Y. Liu, Z.L. Cao, J.L. Fan, D.Y. Lei. “Dynamic tuning of enhanced intrinsic circular dichroism in plasmonic stereo-metamolecule array with surface lattice resonance”, Nanophotonics(0): 20200130  (2020).
  9. Z.L. Cao, M. Lin and H.C. Ong, “Determination of the excitation and coupling rates between light emitters and surface plasmon polaritons”, J. Vis. Exp. 137, e56735 (2018).
  10. Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Study of the momentum-resolved plasmonic field energy of Bloch-like surface plasmon polaritons from periodic nanohole array”, Opt. Express 25(24), 30626 (2017).
  11. Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Determination of complex Hermitian and anti-Hermitian interaction constants from a coupled photonic system via coherent control”, Opt. Express 25(24), 30611 (2017).
  12. Z.L. Cao, L.Y. Yiu, Z.Q. Zhang, C.T. Chan, H.C. Ong, “Understanding the role of surface plasmon polaritons in two-dimensional achiral nanohole arrays for polarization conversion”, Phys. Rev. B 95, 155415 (2017).
  13. M. Lin, Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Determination of the excitation rate of quantum dots mediated by momentum-resolved Bloch-like surface plasmon polaritons”, Opt. Express 25(6), 6092 (2017).
  14. Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Momentum-dependent group velocity of surface plasmon polaritons in two-dimensional metallic nanohole array”, Opt. Express 24(12), 12489 (2016).
  15. Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Determination of the absorption and radiative decay rates of dark and bright plasmonic modes”, Opt. Express 22(13), 16112 (2014).
  16. Z.L. Cao, S.L. Wong, S.Y. Wu, H.P. Ho, and H.C. Ong, “High performing phase-based surface plasmon resonance sensing from metallic nanohole arrays”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 171116 (2014).
  17. Z.L. Cao, L. Zhang, C.Y. Chan, and H.C. Ong, “Interplay between absorption and radiative decay rates of surface plasmon polaritons for field enhancement in periodic arrays”, Opt. Lett. 39, 501 (2014).
  18. Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Determination of coupling rate of light emitter to surface plasmon polaritons supported on nanohole array”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 241109 (2013).
  19. C.Y. Chan, Z.L. Cao, and H.C. Ong, “Study of coupling efficiency of molecules to surface plasmon polaritons in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)”, Opt. Express 21(12), 14674 (2013).
  20. Z.L. Cao and H.C. Ong, “Direct imaging of radiative decay of surface plasmon polaritons in nanohole arrays by cross-polarization microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 093108 (2013).
  21. Z.L. Cao, H.Y. Lo, and H.C. Ong, “Determination of absorption and radiative decay rates of surface plasmon polaritons from nanohole array”, Opt. Lett. 37, 5166 (2012).